Уплотнитель двери для холодильников Stinol, Indesit, Ariston 854009, 116Q C00854009

Ед. измерения:
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2 899
1 449
1 450 ₽

Уплотнитель двери холодильника Stinol, Indesit, Ariston 854009 (YPT009)

Размеры: 570 x 1010 мм.

Магнитная уплотнительная резинка для холодильника. Обеспечивает равномерное усилие прилегания уплотнителя по всему периметру двери.

Подходит для моделей холодильников:

Ariston EC1824H Indesit B18FNF Indesit NBA201
Ariston EC2011 Indesit B18FNFNXH Indesit NBA20NX
Ariston ECF1814L Indesit B18FNFS Indesit NBA20S
Ariston ECFB1813HL Indesit B18NF INDESIT NBEA 18 FNF S
Ariston ECFD2013SHL Indesit B18NFS Indesit NBEA18FNFS
Ariston ECFD2013XL Indesit B18S INDESIT NBHA 20
Ariston ECFT1813HL Indesit B18T INDESIT NBHA 20 NX
Ariston HBC1181.3NFH INDESIT BA 20 Indesit NBHA20
Ariston HBD1181.3FH INDESIT BA 20 S Indesit NBHA20NX
Ariston HBD1181.3SFH Indesit BA18FNF Indesit NBS20A
Ariston HBD1182.3FH Indesit BA20 Indesit NBS20AAUA
Ariston HBD1182.3MNFH Indesit BA20S INDESIT SB 185
Ariston HBD1182.3NFH Indesit BA20V INDESIT SB 185 L
Ariston HBD1201.3MFH Indesit BA20X INDESIT SB 200
Ariston HBD1201.3MNFH INDESIT BE 18 FNF Indesit SB185
Ariston HBD1201.3SBFH INDESIT BE 18 FNF S Indesit SB185L
Ariston HBD1201.3SBNFH INDESIT BE 18.L FNF Indesit SB200
Ariston HBD1201.4NF Indesit BEA181FNF STINOL 120ER
Ariston HBD1201.4NFH Indesit BEA18LZ STINOL RF NF-345
Ariston HBM1180.3F INDESIT BH 18 STINOL RF-345
Ariston HBM1180.4 INDESIT BH 20 STINOL RF-370
Ariston HBM1181.2F INDESIT BH 20 S STINOL RF370A
Ariston HBM1181.2NF INDESIT BH 20 X STINOL RFC-370
Ariston HBM1181.3 Indesit BH18 STINOL RFC370A
Ariston HBM1181.3F Indesit BH18NF STINOL RFNF345A
Ariston HBM1181.3H Indesit BH20 Hotpoint-Ariston EC 1824 H
Ariston HBM1181.3M Indesit BH20S Hotpoint-Ariston EC 2011
Ariston HBM1181.3NF Indesit BH20X Hotpoint-Ariston ECF 1814 L
Ariston HBM1181.3NFH INDESIT BI 18 NF L Hotpoint-Ariston ECFB 1813 HL
Ariston HBM1181.3SF INDESIT BI 18 NF S Hotpoint-Ariston ECFD 2013 SHL
Ariston HBM1181.3SFH Indesit BI18NFL Hotpoint-Ariston ECFD 2013 XL
Ariston HBM1181.3SH Indesit BI18NFS Hotpoint-Ariston ECFT 1813 HL
Ariston HBM1181.3SNF INDESIT BIA 18 Hotpoint-Ariston HBC 1181.3 NF H
Ariston HBM1181.3XF INDESIT BIA 18 NF Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1181.3 F H
Ariston HBM1181.3XNF INDESIT BIA 18 NF C Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1181.3 H
Ariston HBM1181.4F INDESIT BIA 18 NF C H Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1181.3 M F H
Ariston HBM1181.4SB INDESIT BIA 18 NF X H Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1181.3 S F H
Ariston HBM1181.4SV INDESIT BIA 18 S Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1182.3 F H
Ariston HBM1181.4V INDESIT BIA 18 T Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1182.3 M NF H
Ariston HBM1181.4XNFH INDESIT BIA 18 X Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1182.3 NF H
Ariston HBM1182.2NFUA INDESIT BIA 181 Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 M F H
Ariston HBM1182.4H INDESIT BIA 181 NF Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 M NF H
Ariston HBM1182.4VUA INDESIT BIA 181 NF C Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 SB F H
Ariston HBM1201.1 INDESIT BIA 181 X Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 SB NF H
Ariston HBM1201.3 INDESIT BIA 20 NF Y H Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 X F
Ariston HBM1201.4 INDESIT BIA 20 NF Y S H Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 X NF H
Ariston HBM1201.4FH INDESIT BIA 201 Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.4 F
Ariston HBM1201.4H Indesit BIA18 Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.4 NF
Ariston HBM1201.4NFH Indesit BIA181 Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.4 NF H
Ariston HBM1201.4SH Indesit BIA181NF Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1180.3 F
Ariston HBM1201.4V Indesit BIA181NFC Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1180.3 NF
Ariston HBM1202.4M Indesit BIA181X Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1180.4
Ariston HBM2181.4 Indesit BIA18NF Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.2 F
Ariston HBM2181.4X Indesit BIA18NFC Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.2 NF
Ariston HBM2201.4H Indesit BIA18NFCH Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3
Ariston HBM2201.4XH Indesit BIA18NFXH Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 F
Ariston HBT1181.3NFH Indesit BIA18S Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 H
Ariston HBT1181.3SNFH Indesit BIA18T Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 M
Ariston HBT1201.3MNFH Indesit BIA18X Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 NF
Ariston HBU1181.3NFHO3 Indesit BIA201 Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 NF H
Ariston HBU1201.4NFHO3 Indesit BIA20NFYH Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 S F
Ariston HBU1201.4XNFHO3 Indesit BIA20NFYSH Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 S F H
Ariston IB181 INDESIT BIAA 18 Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 S H
Ariston IBF181 INDESIT BIAA 18 H Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 S NF
Ariston IBF181S INDESIT BIAA 18 NF Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 X F
ARISTON MB 2185 NF INDESIT BIAA 18 S H Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 X NF
Ariston MB2185NF INDESIT BIAA 181 Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 F
ARISTON MBA 1185 V INDESIT BIAA 20 H Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 S V
ARISTON MBA 1200 V INDESIT BIAA 20 S H Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 SB
ARISTON MBA 2185 Indesit BIAA181UA Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 V
ARISTON MBA 2185 SL Indesit BIAA18H Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 X NF H
ARISTON MBA 2185 X Indesit BIAA18NF.1 Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1182.2 NF
ARISTON MBA 2200 Indesit BIAA18NFUA Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1182.4 H
ARISTON MBA 2200 SL Indesit BIAA18SH Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1182.4 V
ARISTON MBA 2200 X Indesit BIAA18UA Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.1
Ariston MBA1185V Indesit BIAA20H Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.3
Ariston MBA1200V Indesit BIAA20SH Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4
Ariston MBA2185 INDESIT BIHA 18.50 Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 F H
Ariston MBA2185SL Indesit BIHA18.50 Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 H
Ariston MBA2185X INDESIT C 138 Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 NF H
Ariston MBA2200 INDESIT C 138 NF Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 S H
Ariston MBA2200SL INDESIT C 138 NF S Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 V
Ariston MBA2200X INDESIT C 138 S Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1202.4 M
Ariston RMB1185.1F INDESIT C 138 T Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 2181.4
Ariston RMB1185.1SF INDESIT C 238G Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 2181.4 X
Ariston RMB1185.1XF INDESIT C 240 Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 2201.4 H
Ariston RMB1185.LF INDESIT C 240 S Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 2201.4 X H
Ariston RMB11852F INDESIT C 240G X DRAWER Hotpoint-Ariston HBT 1181.3 NF H
Ariston RMB1185HA Indesit C138G Hotpoint-Ariston HBT 1181.3 S NF H
Ariston RMB1185SBHA Indesit C138G.SLV Hotpoint-Ariston HBT 1201.3 M NF H
Ariston RMB12002 Indesit C138G.T Hotpoint-Ariston HBU 1181.3 NF H O3
Ariston RMBA1185.1CRFH Indesit C138NFG Hotpoint-Ariston HBU 1201.4 NF H O3
Ariston RMBA1185.1F Indesit C138NFG.SLV Hotpoint-Ariston HBU 1201.4 X NF H O3
Ariston RMBA1185.1SBFH Indesit C238G Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185
Ariston RMBA1185.LSV Indesit C240G Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185 SB
Ariston RMBA1185.LV Indesit C240G.SLV Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185.1 F
Ariston RMBA11851 Indesit C240G.X Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185.1 S F
Ariston RMBA1200.LV INDESIT CA 140 Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185.1 X F
Ariston RMBA12001 INDESIT CA 140 S Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185.L F
Ariston RMBA12002 INDESIT CA 140G INOX Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 11852 F
Ariston RMBA12002.LVH Indesit CA140G Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 12002
Ariston RMBA1200LVH Indesit CA140G.SLV Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1185.1 F
Ariston RMBA2185.L Indesit CA140G.X Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1185.L SV
Ariston RMBA2185.LS INDESIT IB 181 Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1185.L V
Ariston RMBA2185.LX INDESIT IBF 181 Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 11851
Ariston RMBA2200.L INDESIT IBF 181 S Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1200.L V
Ariston RMBA2200.LS INDESIT NB 18.L FNF Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1200.L V H
Ariston RMBA2200.LX Indesit NB18.LFNF Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 12001
Ariston RMBA2200LH INDESIT NBA 18 Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 12002
Ariston RMBA2200LSH INDESIT NBA 18 D FNF Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 12002.L V H
Ariston RMBA2200LXH INDESIT NBA 18 FNF Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2185.L
Ariston RMBDA1185.1F INDESIT NBA 18 FNF NX H Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2185.L S
Ariston RMBDA1185.1SF INDESIT NBA 18 NX Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2185.L X
Ariston RMBDA3185.1 INDESIT NBA 18 S Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.L
Ariston RMBHA3200L.X INDESIT NBA 18 T Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.L H
Ariston RMBMA1185.1F INDESIT NBA 181 Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.L X
Ariston RMBMA1185.1FH INDESIT NBA 181 FNF Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.L X H
Ariston RMBMA1185.1SFH INDESIT NBA 20 Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.LS
Ariston RMBMA3185.1 INDESIT NBA 20 NX Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.LS H
Ariston RMBMAA1185.1FH INDESIT NBA 20 S Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA1185.1 SB FH
Ariston RMBMAA1185.1FSBH INDESIT NBA 201 Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA1185.1CR FH
INDESIT B 18 Indesit NBA18 Hotpoint-Ariston RMBDA 1185.1 F
INDESIT B 18 D FNF Indesit NBA181 Hotpoint-Ariston RMBDA 1185.1 S F
INDESIT B 18 FNF NX H Indesit NBA181FNF Hotpoint-Ariston RMBDA 3185.1
INDESIT B 18 NF Indesit NBA18DFNF Hotpoint-Ariston RMBHA 3200 L.X
INDESIT B 18 NF S Indesit NBA18FNF Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMA 1185.1 F
INDESIT B 18 S Indesit NBA18FNFNXH Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMA 1185.1 F H
INDESIT B 18 T Indesit NBA18NX Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMA 1185.1 S F H
Indesit B18 Indesit NBA18S Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMA 3185.1
Indesit B18.LFNF Indesit NBA18T Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMAA 1185.1 F H
Indesit B18DFNF Indesit NBA20 Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMAA 1185.1 F SB H
и д.р.
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