Уплотнитель двери для холодильников Stinol, Indesit, Ariston 854009, 116Q C00854009
Ед. измерения:
Нет в наличии
2 899
1 449
1 450 ₽
или 50%
Уплотнитель двери холодильника Stinol, Indesit, Ariston 854009 (YPT009)
Размеры: 570 x 1010 мм.
Магнитная уплотнительная резинка для холодильника. Обеспечивает равномерное усилие прилегания уплотнителя по всему периметру двери.
Подходит для моделей холодильников:
Ariston EC1824H | Indesit B18FNF | Indesit NBA201 |
Ariston EC2011 | Indesit B18FNFNXH | Indesit NBA20NX |
Ariston ECF1814L | Indesit B18FNFS | Indesit NBA20S |
Ariston ECFB1813HL | Indesit B18NF | INDESIT NBEA 18 FNF S |
Ariston ECFD2013SHL | Indesit B18NFS | Indesit NBEA18FNFS |
Ariston ECFD2013XL | Indesit B18S | INDESIT NBHA 20 |
Ariston ECFT1813HL | Indesit B18T | INDESIT NBHA 20 NX |
Ariston HBC1181.3NFH | INDESIT BA 20 | Indesit NBHA20 |
Ariston HBD1181.3FH | INDESIT BA 20 S | Indesit NBHA20NX |
Ariston HBD1181.3H | INDESIT BA 20 V | INDESIT NBS 20 A |
Ariston HBD1181.3MFH | INDESIT BA 20 X | INDESIT NBS 20 AA |
Ariston HBD1181.3SFH | Indesit BA18FNF | Indesit NBS20A |
Ariston HBD1182.3FH | Indesit BA20 | Indesit NBS20AAUA |
Ariston HBD1182.3MNFH | Indesit BA20S | INDESIT SB 185 |
Ariston HBD1182.3NFH | Indesit BA20V | INDESIT SB 185 L |
Ariston HBD1201.3MFH | Indesit BA20X | INDESIT SB 200 |
Ariston HBD1201.3MNFH | INDESIT BE 18 FNF | Indesit SB185 |
Ariston HBD1201.3SBFH | INDESIT BE 18 FNF S | Indesit SB185L |
Ariston HBD1201.3SBNFH | INDESIT BE 18.L FNF | Indesit SB200 |
Ariston HBD1201.3XF | INDESIT BEA 18 | STINOL 107ER |
Ariston HBD1201.3XNFH | INDESIT BEA 18 FNF | STINOL 116Q |
Ariston HBD1201.4F | INDESIT BEA 181 FNF | STINOL 117ER |
Ariston HBD1201.4NF | Indesit BEA181FNF | STINOL 120ER |
Ariston HBD1201.4NFH | Indesit BEA18LZ | STINOL RF NF-345 |
Ariston HBM1180.3F | INDESIT BH 18 | STINOL RF-345 |
Ariston HBM1180.3NF | INDESIT BH 18 NF | STINOL RF345A |
Ariston HBM1180.4 | INDESIT BH 20 | STINOL RF-370 |
Ariston HBM1181.2F | INDESIT BH 20 S | STINOL RF370A |
Ariston HBM1181.2NF | INDESIT BH 20 X | STINOL RFC-370 |
Ariston HBM1181.3 | Indesit BH18 | STINOL RFC370A |
Ariston HBM1181.3F | Indesit BH18NF | STINOL RFNF345A |
Ariston HBM1181.3H | Indesit BH20 | Hotpoint-Ariston EC 1824 H |
Ariston HBM1181.3M | Indesit BH20S | Hotpoint-Ariston EC 2011 |
Ariston HBM1181.3NF | Indesit BH20X | Hotpoint-Ariston ECF 1814 L |
Ariston HBM1181.3NFH | INDESIT BI 18 NF L | Hotpoint-Ariston ECFB 1813 HL |
Ariston HBM1181.3SF | INDESIT BI 18 NF S | Hotpoint-Ariston ECFD 2013 SHL |
Ariston HBM1181.3SFH | Indesit BI18NFL | Hotpoint-Ariston ECFD 2013 XL |
Ariston HBM1181.3SH | Indesit BI18NFS | Hotpoint-Ariston ECFT 1813 HL |
Ariston HBM1181.3SNF | INDESIT BIA 18 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBC 1181.3 NF H |
Ariston HBM1181.3XF | INDESIT BIA 18 NF | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1181.3 F H |
Ariston HBM1181.3XNF | INDESIT BIA 18 NF C | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1181.3 H |
Ariston HBM1181.4F | INDESIT BIA 18 NF C H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1181.3 M F H |
Ariston HBM1181.4SB | INDESIT BIA 18 NF X H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1181.3 S F H |
Ariston HBM1181.4SV | INDESIT BIA 18 S | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1182.3 F H |
Ariston HBM1181.4V | INDESIT BIA 18 T | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1182.3 M NF H |
Ariston HBM1181.4XNFH | INDESIT BIA 18 X | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1182.3 NF H |
Ariston HBM1182.2NFUA | INDESIT BIA 181 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 M F H |
Ariston HBM1182.4H | INDESIT BIA 181 NF | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 M NF H |
Ariston HBM1182.4VUA | INDESIT BIA 181 NF C | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 SB F H |
Ariston HBM1201.1 | INDESIT BIA 181 X | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 SB NF H |
Ariston HBM1201.3 | INDESIT BIA 20 NF Y H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 X F |
Ariston HBM1201.4 | INDESIT BIA 20 NF Y S H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.3 X NF H |
Ariston HBM1201.4FH | INDESIT BIA 201 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.4 F |
Ariston HBM1201.4H | Indesit BIA18 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.4 NF |
Ariston HBM1201.4NFH | Indesit BIA181 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBD 1201.4 NF H |
Ariston HBM1201.4SH | Indesit BIA181NF | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1180.3 F |
Ariston HBM1201.4V | Indesit BIA181NFC | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1180.3 NF |
Ariston HBM1202.4M | Indesit BIA181X | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1180.4 |
Ariston HBM2181.4 | Indesit BIA18NF | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.2 F |
Ariston HBM2181.4X | Indesit BIA18NFC | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.2 NF |
Ariston HBM2201.4H | Indesit BIA18NFCH | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 |
Ariston HBM2201.4XH | Indesit BIA18NFXH | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 F |
Ariston HBT1181.3NFH | Indesit BIA18S | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 H |
Ariston HBT1181.3SNFH | Indesit BIA18T | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 M |
Ariston HBT1201.3MNFH | Indesit BIA18X | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 NF |
Ariston HBU1181.3NFHO3 | Indesit BIA201 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 NF H |
Ariston HBU1201.4NFHO3 | Indesit BIA20NFYH | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 S F |
Ariston HBU1201.4XNFHO3 | Indesit BIA20NFYSH | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 S F H |
Ariston IB181 | INDESIT BIAA 18 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 S H |
Ariston IBF181 | INDESIT BIAA 18 H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 S NF |
Ariston IBF181S | INDESIT BIAA 18 NF | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 X F |
ARISTON MB 2185 NF | INDESIT BIAA 18 S H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.3 X NF |
Ariston MB2185NF | INDESIT BIAA 181 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 F |
ARISTON MBA 1185 V | INDESIT BIAA 20 H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 S V |
ARISTON MBA 1200 V | INDESIT BIAA 20 S H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 SB |
ARISTON MBA 2185 | Indesit BIAA181UA | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 V |
ARISTON MBA 2185 SL | Indesit BIAA18H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1181.4 X NF H |
ARISTON MBA 2185 X | Indesit BIAA18NF.1 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1182.2 NF |
ARISTON MBA 2200 | Indesit BIAA18NFUA | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1182.4 H |
ARISTON MBA 2200 SL | Indesit BIAA18SH | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1182.4 V |
ARISTON MBA 2200 X | Indesit BIAA18UA | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.1 |
Ariston MBA1185V | Indesit BIAA20H | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.3 |
Ariston MBA1200V | Indesit BIAA20SH | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 |
Ariston MBA2185 | INDESIT BIHA 18.50 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 F H |
Ariston MBA2185SL | Indesit BIHA18.50 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 H |
Ariston MBA2185X | INDESIT C 138 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 NF H |
Ariston MBA2200 | INDESIT C 138 NF | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 S H |
Ariston MBA2200SL | INDESIT C 138 NF S | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1201.4 V |
Ariston MBA2200X | INDESIT C 138 S | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 1202.4 M |
Ariston RMB1185.1F | INDESIT C 138 T | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 2181.4 |
Ariston RMB1185.1SF | INDESIT C 238G | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 2181.4 X |
Ariston RMB1185.1XF | INDESIT C 240 | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 2201.4 H |
Ariston RMB1185.LF | INDESIT C 240 S | Hotpoint-Ariston HBM 2201.4 X H |
Ariston RMB11852F | INDESIT C 240G X DRAWER | Hotpoint-Ariston HBT 1181.3 NF H |
Ariston RMB1185HA | Indesit C138G | Hotpoint-Ariston HBT 1181.3 S NF H |
Ariston RMB1185SBHA | Indesit C138G.SLV | Hotpoint-Ariston HBT 1201.3 M NF H |
Ariston RMB12002 | Indesit C138G.T | Hotpoint-Ariston HBU 1181.3 NF H O3 |
Ariston RMBA1185.1CRFH | Indesit C138NFG | Hotpoint-Ariston HBU 1201.4 NF H O3 |
Ariston RMBA1185.1F | Indesit C138NFG.SLV | Hotpoint-Ariston HBU 1201.4 X NF H O3 |
Ariston RMBA1185.1SBFH | Indesit C238G | Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185 |
Ariston RMBA1185.LSV | Indesit C240G | Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185 SB |
Ariston RMBA1185.LV | Indesit C240G.SLV | Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185.1 F |
Ariston RMBA11851 | Indesit C240G.X | Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185.1 S F |
Ariston RMBA1200.LV | INDESIT CA 140 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185.1 X F |
Ariston RMBA12001 | INDESIT CA 140 S | Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 1185.L F |
Ariston RMBA12002 | INDESIT CA 140G INOX | Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 11852 F |
Ariston RMBA12002.LVH | Indesit CA140G | Hotpoint-Ariston RMB 12002 |
Ariston RMBA1200LVH | Indesit CA140G.SLV | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1185.1 F |
Ariston RMBA2185.L | Indesit CA140G.X | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1185.L SV |
Ariston RMBA2185.LS | INDESIT IB 181 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1185.L V |
Ariston RMBA2185.LX | INDESIT IBF 181 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 11851 |
Ariston RMBA2200.L | INDESIT IBF 181 S | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1200.L V |
Ariston RMBA2200.LS | INDESIT NB 18.L FNF | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 1200.L V H |
Ariston RMBA2200.LX | Indesit NB18.LFNF | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 12001 |
Ariston RMBA2200LH | INDESIT NBA 18 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 12002 |
Ariston RMBA2200LSH | INDESIT NBA 18 D FNF | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 12002.L V H |
Ariston RMBA2200LXH | INDESIT NBA 18 FNF | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2185.L |
Ariston RMBDA1185.1F | INDESIT NBA 18 FNF NX H | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2185.L S |
Ariston RMBDA1185.1SF | INDESIT NBA 18 NX | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2185.L X |
Ariston RMBDA3185.1 | INDESIT NBA 18 S | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.L |
Ariston RMBHA3200L.X | INDESIT NBA 18 T | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.L H |
Ariston RMBMA1185.1F | INDESIT NBA 181 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.L X |
Ariston RMBMA1185.1FH | INDESIT NBA 181 FNF | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.L X H |
Ariston RMBMA1185.1SFH | INDESIT NBA 20 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.LS |
Ariston RMBMA3185.1 | INDESIT NBA 20 NX | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA 2200.LS H |
Ariston RMBMAA1185.1FH | INDESIT NBA 20 S | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA1185.1 SB FH |
Ariston RMBMAA1185.1FSBH | INDESIT NBA 201 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBA1185.1CR FH |
INDESIT B 18 | Indesit NBA18 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBDA 1185.1 F |
INDESIT B 18 D FNF | Indesit NBA181 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBDA 1185.1 S F |
INDESIT B 18 FNF NX H | Indesit NBA181FNF | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBDA 3185.1 |
INDESIT B 18 NF | Indesit NBA18DFNF | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBHA 3200 L.X |
INDESIT B 18 NF S | Indesit NBA18FNF | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMA 1185.1 F |
INDESIT B 18 S | Indesit NBA18FNFNXH | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMA 1185.1 F H |
INDESIT B 18 T | Indesit NBA18NX | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMA 1185.1 S F H |
Indesit B18 | Indesit NBA18S | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMA 3185.1 |
Indesit B18.LFNF | Indesit NBA18T | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMAA 1185.1 F H |
Indesit B18DFNF | Indesit NBA20 | Hotpoint-Ariston RMBMAA 1185.1 F SB H |
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